As we transition into summer, this seems like the perfect time to talk about hydration. Although, it may be even more important when the weather is cooler because we tend to drink less then. It’s easier to drink when we are feeling thirsty. The thing is, being thirsty is a sign that our bodies are dehydrated. It’s good to get in the habit of drinking before thirst sets in. More on signs of dehydration next week.
One new habit I started about a year ago is to drink water before I eat or drink anything else every morning when I wake up. Some days I drink more than others, but I try to drink a quart of water while I’m getting ready. Before my tea or coffee. I recommend you giving it a try. Start with just a glass.
Hydrating with water
Water is really the best thing we can hydrate our bodies with as our bodies are 70% water. Clean water is the only liquid the body actually needs; it is vital to health and to life and nothing can replace it.